The Broadening Attack Surface: Challenges and Solutions​

Michael Zaman

22. August 2023

The Broadening Attack Surface: Challenges and Solutions

European companies remain vigilant as cyber security incidents continue to surge. The ENISA Threat Landscape 2022 highlighted a marked increase in malware incidents monthly from July 2021 to July 2022, with Mirai alone accounting for 7 million attacks on IoT systems. This grim portrayal reflects how threat actors swiftly overcome conventional cyber defenses, mainly by exploiting growing attack surfaces catalysed by pandemic-driven changes and broader technological shifts.

What is an Attack Surface?

An attack surface encompasses the total number of endpoints –computers, mobile phones, IoT devices, applications, or gateways – that render an organization susceptible to cyber-attacks. It represents the myriad access points cybercriminals can exploit if not appropriately safeguarded.

These surfaces are broadly divided into digital and physical realms. The digital domain consists of codes, websites, applications, databases, and more, while the physical terrain includes tangible assets like laptops, mobile phones, and even USB ports.

Broadening Attack Surfaces and the Emergence of Cyber Security Blind Spots

Traditionally, many companies operated within rigid security policies tailored for standard digital infrastructure, where corporate data resided firmly within private networks. However, rapid digital transformation, accelerated by the pandemic, has seen businesses migrate workloads to public clouds and embrace remote working. This shift blurs the once-clear boundary between professional and personal computing domains.

The range and nature of attack vectors – the methods through which malevolent actors can penetrate an organization’s defenses – have evolved in just a few months. Many security teams, caught off-guard by these developments, are now grappling with unforeseen vulnerabilities.

Ransomware, a malicious software designed to block computer system access until the ransom is paid, has become a prominent threat. Perpetrators now more easily target unsuspecting employees with social engineering tactics and deceptive methods to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information. These tactics can easily infect a personal device with access to the company network rather than trying to crack a heavily fortified on-premise server.

Securing the Ever-expanding Attack Surface

The bedrock of cyber security is visibility. As attack surfaces become more complex and extensive, new digital components slip past traditional surveillance mechanisms. To regain control, companies must first recognize and assess their vulnerabilities. An uninformed mitigation strategy can be as detrimental as having none at all.

A comprehensive attack surface analysis is paramount. This helps identify weak points significantly beyond conventional perimeter defenses. It is crucial to understand security measures (or their absence) for cloud assets and assess the risks of personal devices accessing company networks. The next logical step? Minimize this surface. This involves streamlining user access, tightening permissions, and integrating zero-trust frameworks.

While narrowing the attack surface is vital, the persistent and inevitable changes in digital work dynamics, partly due to the pandemic aftermath, is further challenging existing defense perimeters. With this evolving digital infrastructure, the focus should shift towards continuous monitoring, patching, and securing all endpoints.

Though it’s challenging to oversee every aspect of personal device usage by employees, organizations can ensure these are used within a secure environment. SecTeer VulnDetect, for instance, offers an automated patch management solution for Microsoft-powered devices, helping businesses stay a step ahead in this ever-widening digital battlefield.

In conclusion, as our digital horizons expand, so do the challenges we face in cyber security. Being proactive, staying informed, and adapting to change is key.

Are you ready to face the challenges of a broadening attack surface?

#CyberSecurity #AttackSurface #DigitalTransformation #Ransomware

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